After 3 months of
our team’s work,
social engagement
was up +57%
across channels 📈 🌮.

A little crass to just thrust these numbers at you first thing. But hey, looking back at our reporting and analytics, I’m proud.

What We Made
Repeatable Content Series | Reactive + Organic + Paid Social | LIVE writing for Twitch Gaming + Reddit AMA Events | Super Bowl War Room Process + Content | FB + IG LIVE streams | Add-on programming for already-concepted ATL campaigns | Influencer Campaigns

🔺 Yeah, it's a screenshot of a redditor's response to our work.  And it made us go “Awww, hey, we’re doing something quite right.”

The idea I was hired to execute: Jack Box is Jack Box, across all channels. Just like my work for LEMONHEAD, I was brought on to drive story and get that sweet, sweet earned media.

Leslie Diez: Senior Art Director / Maker Extraordinaire | Chris Davis: Senior Writer | Anna Andreen: Art Director / Maker Extraordinaire | Eddie Klein: Copywriter | Natalie Gomez: Senior Strategist | Janet Shih: Senior Strategist | Sarah Light: Account Executive | Producer: Cassie Horne

My Role
Creative Director / Head of Social

Ahh, yes. The Reddit AMA. LIVE writing. For an EPIC-LY SKEPTICAL AD-HATING AUDIENCE. Honestly, an awesome experience.

The good news: Our answers were weird and honest enough to break through the internet clutter. The even better news: After our AMA, we hit that goal — earned media on a huge-ass stage — Late Night with Seth Meyers.

Even so, our time as Jack would be limited. Head and costume logistics, plus talent issues had us hamstrung. [🪦 RIP]

So we switched gears with the directive to amp up appetite appeal. And because we didn’t have a budget, Leslie and Anna did the damn thing 👇 styling, shooting, animating.

Our visual goal: To make the brand look like the icon it already is. So we took inspiration from pop art — mood board here just for fun. This look + feel infiltrated ATL executions because it was fresh as hell.

A hypnotic food series based on the "#oddlysatisfying cultural moment + content.

Blend into the platform. Stand out from the crowd.

The team slayed in the face of every CLASSIC social account challenge 💅.

No-to-low budge meant doing reactive social without listening tools. And organic social without a production budget, period.

For our Gamer audience, throwback goodies 👾.

Like any brand making things for the internet, we got nice and cozy with IP from various properties. A huge bonus: Collaborating with a truly kick-ass Head of B.A. [Business Affairs for the uninitiated] and learning about legal boundaries + rationale.

Craving more?

Check out 🍺 Miller High Life or 🍇 Wellory.